Siperianhuskyjen erikoisnäyttely 2021
Jyri ja Skafloc
Mukava viikonloppu siperianhuskyjen erikoisnäyttelyssä takana. Mukaan käyttöluokkaan osallistui viisi omaa kasvattia viimeisimmästä pentueesta (neljä näistä kotona asuvia) oikein mukavin arvosteluin:
Sysilouhen Skald KÄY ERI
Arvostelu: "Very attractive, masculine head, kean cheeky expression, good earset, correct eyeset, well pigmented lips, good reach of neck, well angulated throughout, level topline, leading into well set tail, good depth of chest, moves soundly with reach and drive." Tuomari Barbara Stanier
Sysilouhen Skafloc KÄY ERI
Arvostelu: "Masculine with kean expression, good earset when using them, correct set eyes, well pigmented lips, good reach of neck, good shoulder angulations, level topline, well sprung ribs, correct depth of chest, good tuckup, well set tail, moved well." Tuomari Barbara Stanier
Sysilouhen Ylva KÄY ERI SA
Arvostelu: "Foxy head, cheeky expression, good earset, eyeset well, good neck lenght, good shoulder placement, good lenght of legs to body rations, correct depth of chest, leading into good tuckup, level topline, well set tail, sound mover around the ring." Tuomari: Barbara Stanier
Sysilouhen Gudrun KÄY EH
Arvostelu: Head could be more feminine, correct earset and eyeset, good reach of neck, leading into correct shoulder placement, level topline, leading into well set tail, good depth of chest, good tuckup, movements from rear a little wide, front movements were good." Tuomari Barbara Stanier
Sysilouhen Runolf KÄY EH
Arvostelu: "Masculine head with cheeky expression, correct set eyes, ears could be slightly closer together, good reach of neck, good shoulder angulations, correct depth of chest, level topline, leading into correct tailset, a little erratic in movements." Tuomari Barbara Stanier